Property Amenities
Provided By Owners of Mullen Ranch
- A 20KW GENARAC Brand Emergency Backup Power Generator and Supply System to Multiple Zoned Areas of the Home.
- Approximately 10,000 linear feet of 8ft high, 3in high-tensile game fencing with predator wire apron buried at the base, horizontal barbed wire strands at the top and surrounded with 3 strands of electric hot wire on the perimeter of the 14 individual pasture pens. A complete system designed to control and protect wild game from predators.
- Remote Operated Electric Entrance Gate with Phone Communications to the Home.
- Well Water Softener Systems in the Home and in the Barn Apartment.
- Extensive Automatic Underground Sprinkler System for the House Grounds and Flower Beds.
- Residential Emergency Security and Alarm System including smoke, fire and CO2 detection.
- DIRECT TV Satellite Systems in the Home and Barn Apartment.
- WILDBLUE EXCEDE Satellite Internet Access Systems in the Home and the Barn Apartment.
- 3 Zoned Systems of Dual Fuel HVA/C in the Home. (Electric Cooling and LP Powered Furnaces).
- 3 Zoned Electric Powered Systems of HVA/C in the Main Barn with the Barn Apartment.
- 2 LP Hot Water Heater Systems in the Home, one “on demand”.
- 1,000 Gallon LP Storage Tank at the Home.
- LP Heated Swimming Pool.
- Custom Made Built in Chest of Drawers and Shelving in Bedroom Closets of the Home.
- Custom Made Built in Entertainment Cabinet in the Great Room.
- High Efficiency Dual Pane Windows throughout the Home and in the Barn Apartment.
- Custom Made Built in Cabinets and Shelving in the Main Office, Household Administrative Office, Utility/Laundry Room and Mud Room.
- Custom Made Cart/Walking Trail Bridge over one of the Wet Weather Creeks.
- A Beautiful, Meandering One Acre Stocked Recreational Fishing Pond.
- Central Vacuum Cleaner System in the Home.
- Wide and Maintained Cart and Walking Trails.
Mullen Ranch
Brenham, Texas
Austin County
65 Acres
Of Beautiful, Wooded Country Seclusion
7521 Schoenau Road
Brenham, Texas 77833
